That Fitness Journey : My Week with Basiligo…

by Elloww Team

Recently, I was invited to try out a new online-ordering concept in Abu Dhabi.

Now, never in my life have I seen so many food delivery scooters as I do here in Abu Dhabi. Maybe I haven’t noticed it before – but there is a CRAZY amount of people ordering out, whether it be for lunch in the office or dinner after work.

When I think food delivery, I generally think unhealthy, processed rubbish that I just wouldn’t bother ordering. But really caught my interest:

Changing Menus: Basiligo changes their menu daily, with new dishes popping up each week

Ingredients: You can find the full ingredient list under the dish description, on every single item!

Macro-Friendly: Each dish shows it’s macro-nutrient breakdown, which is SUPER helpful for a macro counter like me.

My Week with Basiligo…